
Honest Italian Food

Specialists in Italian products, we have been working with Italicatessant for a couple of years to bring the best Italian cheeses, meats, pasta and a variety of other products to our customers.

For us, the close contact we have with Italicatessant, and the fact that they stock more and more organic products, means that we are able to do a better and better job of stocking the best Italian foods.

Since they started trading in 2005, their ethos has been to work with smaller producers, sourcing the products directly, authentic foods that follow traditional methods of production only.

Tasting at Italicatessants London Store
Parmigiano reggiano
Delicious Taleggio

visit Italicatessant

Shop the range

  • Bracigliano - Pancetta Tesa Trancio
  • Brescia - Organic Mozzarella (100g)
  • Cosi Bio - Prosciutto Cotto - organic (80g)