Carey Organic are our main UK apple and pear supplier from the end of the summer each year. Having made a career change to come into farming they planted an orchard from scratch in a beautiful, secluded valley right by the River Wye in Herefordshire. At their peak they were growing both top fruit (apples and pears), soft fruit (strawberries, gooseberries, and currants) and also lots of veg. Now though they have cut back and focus predominatly on the top fruit and some soft fruit.
In summer we start with their amazing cherries and plums before moving into blackcurrants, redcurrants and gooseberries. The first discovery apples appear in August - famous for the pink bleed as you bite into them. Various other apples varieties will come thick and fast and we move round the orchard. We will also receive conference pears and other wonderful heritage pear varieties. Although Carey have good storage for apples and pears their scale means that we will often run out of fruit from them before Christmas each year. Even though we may not have their fruit we are able to enjoy the apple juice that is pressed on farm year round. They're amazing!